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We offer

   Company"APS"performs a full range of services in the field of power supply of industrial enterprises, from pre-project survey and project creation to final adjustment of installed equipment and testing.
   Our qualified team of specialists, equipped with the latest devices and tools, is ready to solve your problems in the shortest possible time and with high quality.

Our engineers have extensive experience in the design of power supply systems for large industrial enterprises. 

Our company employs highly qualified installers who perform the installation and reconstruction of power supply facilities at the customer's enterprise.

This stage of work is individual for each object, which allows you to constantly improve the acquired work skills, and is also the basis for the invention of new algorithms and devices.

   Our company is a member of an SRO based on the membership of persons carrying out construction - Association"ConstructionIndustry», as well as in the SRO, based on the membership of the persons involved in the design - the Association of Designers"StroyProekt»

    Also LLC"APS"has a certificate of conformity ISO 9001:2015.

Our electrical laboratory is registered with Rostechnadzor,certificateNo. 6520-3

from August 26, 2022

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